Every day millions of dollars in assets are seized from criminals, drug dealers, and tax delinquents. Due to extremely large quantities of property, the federal government holds numerous auctions every month. These auctions are systematically located throughout the country, making them readily accessible to all. Thousands of people have already taken advantage of these auctions by purchasing cars, boats, planes, jewelry, computers and many other items for pennies on the dollar.


Every time the I.R.S seizes a house, F.B.I takes a car or U.S. Postal Service no longer needs a piece of equipment, they offer it to the public at bargain prices. Since these auctions contain property seized by the D.E.A, F.B.I, U.S. Customs Office, and I.R.S, a wide variety of merchandise is offered. A large selection of luxury and sport utility vehicles such as BMW and Jeep are commonly found at these auctions. An array of high end electronic equipment such as computers, televisions and stereos are frequently bought at a fraction of their value. Many other types of valuable items can also be purchased.


Unlike some government programs, these auctions offer an easy and convenient way to acquire expensive merchandise. There are no lengthy applications to fill out and registration takes only a few minutes. Since turnout is very small and the supply great, bidding at government auctions remains extremely low. Bargains are found for every type of merchandise available.


USDS offers a complete start-up kit for attending government auctions. The kit contains precise instructions for attending government auctions. Newsletters are available free of charge to all customers that update auction information. Don't miss out, take advantage of this great opportunity to get valuable items at significantly reduced prices.

Order Number-- G8051 Price......reg $29.50
sale $22.50
Each year the Federal Government allocates over a billion dollars in scholarships and grants intended for students enrolled in 2 and 4 year colleges, and students attending graduate school. This money is never required to be paid back. Due to the lack of government promotion, much of this money goes unawarded. $2000 - $20,000 scholarships are available to assist with tuition and other school-related costs. USDS provides a detailed directory highlighting available scholarship and grant money


ANY student can qualify for thousands of scholarships, regardless of income or grade point average. Many students believe that scholarships are awarded solely on academic merit. However, financial assistance is available to cover any academic, athletic, or artistic interest. Any student entering or attending an accredited Junior or Four Year institution or Graduate School is eligible for these scholarships.


With the rising costs of higher education, many students have been forced to take out student loans to complete their degree. These previously unclaimed scholarships can be used to repay loans and help you finish school debt free. Even students not in financial need can free up extra money for other expenses. It would be like making an additional 10,000, 20,000 or even 30,000 dollars a year.


USDS provides an easy to read manual detailing thousands of educational assistance programs. The manual is laid out in such a way that enables you to quickly match your interests and talents with the scholarship program designed for you. Everything you need is included to ensure maximium benefits as quickly as possible.

ORDER SOON.......The U.S. fiscal year ends in April 1998, order immediately to get your fair share of government aid. Act quickly before all the scholarships are discovered and filled.

Order Number--S2981 Price.......reg $62.00
sale $44.75
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